Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Let's Get Cookin'

My dear brilliant chef of a friend has been kind enough to take her less talented friends under her wing and teach us all to cook. In her second experiment into this she taught us how to make a delicious butternut squash lasagna with sage and a scrumptious tarte tartin in both apple and pear. It was a wonderful night of friends, laughter and wine. Cheers to more cooking classes!


A precious new life has blessed this earth, his tiny fingers and tiny toes emerged in August to breath new life into this world. I was lucky enough to be present the day after he was born and captured a few precious moments of this new life. I am proud to know this new little man and to call the proud parents friends.

Say I Do

My fellow dream-seeker and one of my biggest supporters got married last May. In her and her future spouse's honor we threw a "decorate your own cupcake" bridal shower party for them. It was both an exciting adventure in event planning and in photography. There is nothing better than watching the full blossom of a well tended love. I wish them the happiest marriage that ever there was. 

Movie Night

This was my first experiment with a new lens and a it was a very special time. My nephew was turning 9 years old and we wanted to create a movie house for him and his friends. It went off without a hitch complete with old-fashioned popcorn machine and an excellent concession stand boy. It was a great day. Here are just a few of the snapshots that capture the feeling of the event.

A Natural Beginning

My love for photography began in the still moments inhaling the beauty of nature. The quiet moments watching to breeze blow gently through the trees and wishing that I could capture that moment and hold on to it forever. When a camera finally fell into my awaiting palms I realized just how many of those indescribable moments could be captured through this hungry lens. It is that spark that ignited my dream of becoming a photographer and so I am dedicating this first post to some of my nature photography.